That Personal Touch…

Research shows that the number one reason why students stay at a community college is that someone there knows and cares about them. It is that personal touch that makes the difference at institutions like MCCC. As the weather has gotten better, I have had the opportunity to walk the campus, visit classes, and interact with more of our students.

Yesterday, I visited several classes in almost all of our buildings and tried to inspire and motivate the students with whom I came into contact. As educators, we must continually motivate our students to dream big dreams, to keep hope alive, and to believe in themselves. They must be inspired to have the utmost confidence in themselves; that is what will eventually lead to success.

As I interacted with students yesterday, I had the opportunity to walk and talk with a student who was headed home after a full day of classes to take care of her three-year-old baby and her mother, who had just had surgery. The baby is biologically her brothers. He passed away a few months ago at the age of 28 (I cannot say how). Such stories are gut-wrenching, but there are more of those here on campus than we know.

Please take time to talk to and encourage our students, many of them are facing numerous obstacles, which may adversely affect their eventual success. That personal touch may prove inspirational and ultimately enrich their lives.